Students are able to complete their first year of studies ("year of spirituality") here, before going on to complete their formation at one of our major seminaries overseas:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, USA,
(for English speakers)
(for French or German speakers)
Ezechiel House is the novitiate house of studies for the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter's District of Oceania. Founded in 2004 with the permission of Cardinal Pell, Ezechiel House is located in Petersham, Sydney, just a short walk from Maternal Heart of Mary Parish, Lewisham.

This first year of studies introduces the candidate to the life of the Fraternity. First-year students are initiated into the discipline of daily prayer including Mass, Divine Office, Rosary and mental prayer. They also receive a strong intellectual foundation through classes in Catholic spirituality, catechism, Latin, liturgy, chant and introduction to Thomistic philosophy.

In close union with superiors and a spiritual director, the year of spirituality allows each candidate to the priesthood to discern whether he does in fact have a vocation to become a priest in our Fraternity. This process is further aided through first-hand experience with the parochial ministry for which seminarians must aspire to be ordained.
20 to 35 years of age, unmarried.
Strong sense of piety, discipline and sacrificial willingness to dedicate oneself totally to the service of Christ and His Holy Church.
Desire to live in community and in obedience to the rule and superiors.
Strong attachment to the Traditional liturgy and practices of the Church.
A good reputation, moral aptitude and intellectual ability.
Good physical and mental health.
High degree of fluency in English.
At least high-school certificate/diploma, though preferably tertiary studies.
Free from financial debt.
Fr Duncan WONG, FSSP
Ezechiel House Novitiate
44 West St
Petersham NSW 2049
Ph: +61 2 9572 9694
Email: ezechiel@fssp.net
Young men from Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore or elsewhere in Oceania who are considering a vocation to the Fraternity are encouraged to contact us to arrange a visit to Ezechiel House during term time (September — June). This will allow them to see first-hand the daily life of our seminarians and will also provide an opportunity to speak with the Director of Novices, Fr Duncan Wong FSSP.